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August 3, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 3, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:03pm.     

SUBJECT: Historical Society  
PRESENT: Mr. Bernd Reinardt, Ms. Lucille Noel, Mr. Dick Pratt, Mr.  & Mrs. James Towle, Mrs. Ruth Hammen, Mr. Walter Sanborn and Mrs. Velna Pike

Ms. Noel presented the Board with a framed Certificate of Certification of the Depot Road Bridge on the National Historic Register. The Historical Society discussed with the Board of Selectmen, maintenance and safety concerns relative to Thunder Bridge.

The Historical Society has been awarded a grant for $9,600, from the Moose Plate Conservation Grant Program, to restore the ornamentation work on Thunder Bridge.  Other repairs to the railings will need to be done.  Mr. Mahlstedt, owner of Goosebay Lumber, has generously donated materials for some of the repairs.  Selectman DeBold agreed to view the site and contact Mr. Powellson, an employee from the Department of Transportation, in regards to the schedule for safety inspections being performed on the bridge.

The Historical Society also inquired as to the status of the Old Selectmen’s Office located in the town library.  This inquiry had been made last year and the Society was not aware of the outcome.  Mr. Sanborn shared minutes from a 1996 Selectmen’s meeting where the Board of Selectmen voted that the room be left in its historical state and the library be allowed to use the table space.  Chairman Colbert informed the group that he and Selectman DeBold had reviewed the use of the old selectmen’s office space at the library, with Mr. Arey.   The Board would like to meet with the Library Trustees and discuss any arrangements that may or may not have been made in regards to the use of this space.  Lisa will contact a trustee and schedule an appointment.

The Historical Society inquired about the shed located on the easterly side of town property.  It is blocking access to the bridge.  The Board will follow up with the homeowner.
SUBJECT: Easement – Hilliard Road
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. Fuat Ari  

Mr. & Mrs. Ari and the Selectmen reviewed the right of way easement prepared by Mr. Ari.  The Selectmen requested language is added in the first paragraph to reflect ownership by the town along with map and lot identification.  Also, it was recommended to add language to the last paragraph stating continued maintenance of the driveway, would remain the responsibility of the Ari’s or any subsequent owner of  map 7, lot 5,  and not the town.  Mr. Ari will have the changes made and submit the revised document to the Selectmen for next week’s meeting.   


The Board revisited the withholding of Mr. Kenneally’s check for subcontracting work. The insurance coverage has been reviewed and it was discovered that a payment was made to Mr. Kenneally in June, when there was no insurance coverage.  Motion Selectman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman DeBold to void check number #3876, in the amount of $1600.00 and re-issue a check in the amount of $400.00.  The reason for this is because the original check dated on June 30, 2004, in the amount of $1200.00, was paid when no insurance was in effect.  No vote was taken, however the check was voided due to not enough signatures obtained.  

Chairman Colbert wanted it stated in the record that he did not feel this was the way to correct a problem we had several weeks ago.  He believes the Road Agent did not do this intentionally.  

Selectman DeBold believes there was misrepresentation on both ends and views this as a learning experience.

Updates on several pending items were reviewed.

Possible zoning violations were discussed regarding Map 4, Lot 155B and Map 4, Lot 157B.  The Board would like Lisa to send notices to each giving 60 days as a response time.

Legal correspondence, general correspondence and e-mail were reviewed.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

The minutes of July 27, 2004 were approved as corrected.      

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:10pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS CORRECTED

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